
Denver with the iPhone X

Denver with the iPhone X

This past April I went to Denver for the annual #GSMCON Government Social Media Conference. Normally, I would always travel with my Fuji x100F, but this time I decided to only take my iPhone X and leave behind my beloved x100F. I was looking for a way to travel lighter and with my shiny new iPhone X only a few months old still, it seemed like a good idea.

Tokyo Perspective

Tokyo Perspective

I am incredibly fortunate to live on a beautiful tropical island in the pacific. Yet I still go through phases where I can't seem to find anything to photograph, or at least anything I want to photograph. One great solution to this conundrum is to travel somewhere, somewhere out of your normal day-to-day surroundings, somewhere where suddenly everything feels different, fresh and exciting. For me, recently this somewhere was Tokyo, about 1000 miles and a 2 1/2 hour plane ride away. Now I've been to Tokyo many times, I even lived outside of Tokyo for many years back in the late eighties early nineties. Regardless of how many times I've been to Tokyo it always gets my creative juices flowing.

Streets of Tokyo

Streets of Tokyo

I travel to Tokyo far less than I wish I could, but in the past couple years my family and I have been visiting once or twice per year. I've taken so many street photos that I've only recently started to sort through them. I don't want to post dozens of images in one or two post, so I decided to break them up into an ongoing series called Streets of Tokyo where I can share one or two at a time. I have also created a folder on my Flickr page for the series as well. 

Tokyo Color with the Fuji x100T Part 2

Tokyo Color with the Fuji x100T Part 2

Day two in Tokyo took me to Ebisu, for a short pit stop at a store in the station, Omotesando, where I was finally able to check out and try on the new Apple Watch, a walk in Yoyogi Park to see Meiji Shrine, and a short visit in Shibuya for my daughter to get in a little more shopping, because she was so deprived in Omotesando. 😀 All of the below images were shot in Aperture priority and Provia color settings.

Tokyo Color with the Fuji x100T Part 1

Tokyo Color with the Fuji x100T Part 1

I'm back in Tokyo with my family for a mini vacation, and for my daughter to see Taylor Swift in concert this Wednesday.  Yeah I'm a great dad like that. 😊 Lucky for me I also just upgraded my Fuji x100s to the new x100T, and I've been dying to break it in. Fuji cameras are famous for great color, and I can't think of a more colorful city to show off those colors than Tokyo. My daughter wanted to visit Dean & Deluca in Yurokucho. While my wife and daughter enjoyed tea and pastries I took the opportunity to walk around  a little outside the station.

Guide to Traveling with Smartphones

Guide to Traveling with Smartphones

Our smartphones have become essential tools in our daily lives, and are even more so when traveling.This article from Nomatic Matt's Travel Site is a great, albeit technically detailed guide on traveling with smartphones internationally. Good read, especially if you are planning to travel soon.

Rainy Day in Tokyo

Rainy Day in Tokyo

Not the best of weather on day 2 in Tokyo. Rain, wind, and cold, but when Mother Nature gives you lemons... 

Tokyo Street with the iPhone 6 Plus Day 1

Tokyo Street with the iPhone 6 Plus Day 1

We arrived in Tokyo yesterday afternoon, dropped off our stuff at the hotel, and took the train to Shibuya. My daughter wanted to shop at H&M, so while she shopped I shot some street. Coming from small town Okinawa Tokyo, especially Shibuya, is nirvana for street photography, as most big cities are I'm sure. I had my Fuji x100s around my neck, but I've really been wanting to put the iPhone 6 Plus to the test and shoot street with it. At first the light wasn't all that great, but then as we were heading back to Shibuya station the late afternoon sunlight started beaming between the buildings, and suddenly I started seeing photos everywhere.