
Photo of the Day - Tsuken Island

Photo of the Day - Tsuken Island

Tsuken Island, also known as "carrot island" for it's shape is only about a 15 minute ferry ride from the main island of Okinawa. There's not much there really except farms and fisherman. In fact you can rent a bike and ride the island in a couple hours. This shot is from the port where the ferry drops you off. Hope everyone has a great day. Thanks for stopping by today.

Photo of the Day - Cape Maeda

Photo of the Day - Cape Maeda

This is a shot I took with my Fuji x100T a few months ago. It was one of those perfect Okinawa days.

Tokyo Perspective

Tokyo Perspective

I am incredibly fortunate to live on a beautiful tropical island in the pacific. Yet I still go through phases where I can't seem to find anything to photograph, or at least anything I want to photograph. One great solution to this conundrum is to travel somewhere, somewhere out of your normal day-to-day surroundings, somewhere where suddenly everything feels different, fresh and exciting. For me, recently this somewhere was Tokyo, about 1000 miles and a 2 1/2 hour plane ride away. Now I've been to Tokyo many times, I even lived outside of Tokyo for many years back in the late eighties early nineties. Regardless of how many times I've been to Tokyo it always gets my creative juices flowing.

30 Expert Photo Bloggers Reveal their Favorite Mirrorless Cameras

30 Expert Photo Bloggers Reveal their Favorite Mirrorless Cameras

Mirrorlessons.com has an article on "The Best Mirrorless Cameras"based on feedback from 30 expert photography bloggers. Each photographer reveals what they think are the top three mirrorless cameras. All but seven have at least one Fuji camera in their list. Ken Rockwell's top three includes two Fuji x-series and an iPhone 6 Plus. Interesting read. Click below to read the post on Mirrorlessons.com