apple watch

Apple Watch Series 3 LTE in Japan

Apple Watch Series 3 LTE in Japan

This weekend I drove over to AU, my cellular carrier here in Japan to pickup my new Series 3 w/ LTE Apple Watch that I ordered a couple weeks ago. I have the original Series 0 and I've been waiting for enough feature additions to justify an upgrade.

Apple's Watch Marketing Springs to Life

Apple's Watch Marketing Springs to Life

The powerful marketing arm of Apple is winding up in the March issue of Vogue, with a multi-page ad showcasing the design of not only the watch, but the variety and styling of the bands as well. The watch is featured at life-size, which for most of us will be the closest we've come to seeing the real thing. Click below to see the story and shots of the ad in

Apple Announces March 9th Event

Apple Announces March 9th Event

Apple has announced a live streaming event on their website for March 9th. This will most likely be the official release of the Apple Watch, with availability in April.

Three Reasons Why the Apple Watch will be Successful

Three Reasons Why the Apple Watch will be Successful

In 2007 Apple released the iPhone and in doing so changed society in ways Steve Jobs could only dream of. For better or worse, we are now consumed with the immediacy and convenience our iPhones have given us.  In April of this year, Apple is set to release the highly anticipated Apple Watch. Fashion, personal technology, and the drug of convenience will take the device to success levels smartwatches before it have yet to achieve.