Documenting the Journey

One of the many photography lessons we learn as we age, is the importance of simply documenting your surroundings. Documenting everything enables us to better appreciate the immense changes in our world that are subtle, and seemingly unimportant as we live them, yet can be profound when viewed ten, twenty, or more years later. In the 80's and 90's, during my first stay in Japan, I took many casual environment photos that later seemed unimportant to me. Sadly, I threw most of them out. Now however, I appreciate the value of even the most mundane. What once was trivial and uninteresting, is now fascinating. Your life is a journey, document it.

Naha, Okinawa Japan - Fuji x100T, ISO 200, f/5.6, 1/480 sec. Edited in Lightroom 6.

Naha, Okinawa Japan - Fuji x100T, ISO 200, f/5.6, 1/480 sec. Edited in Lightroom 6.

Okinawa, Japan - Fuji X-Pro1. From my Light and Color post.

Okinawa, Japan. Fuji X-Pro1, 18-55mm f/2.8-4. Edited in Lightroom 5.6. From my Light and Color Post. 

Naha, Okinawa Japan - Fuji x100T, ISO 200, f/5.6, 1/800 sec. Edited in Lightroom 6.

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